Tuesday, June 17, 2014


     I got back from Glacier National Park a few hours ago and I just decided I couldn't wait a full 24 hours to share some of the pictures I took.  While remote (I didn't have service half of the trip) and pretty chilly (averaging around 45 degrees during our stay), the mountains and scenery was truly breathtaking.  Living in a relatively flat city, I never realized exactly how small you can feel standing at the foot of an ages old giant like those in Glacier.  I took somewhere around 400 photographs, mostly of the snow capped mountains, but also of the wildlife, glacier falls, plants, and rustic hotels.  While I would love to share all of them, it would take me way too long and lose too many readers.  So I will be content to narrowing down my favorites to about 20.  In addition to these though, I coerced my brother into taking a few photos of me in an empty pool with the rocky mountains as a backdrop.  Decidedly less interesting that the park, but I've had these beautiful riding pants for far too long to refrain from putting them in a post any longer.

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